Saturday, February 23, 2013

Discover Your Gifts

Not everyone is self-aware and has a good handle on their own skills, gifts, and talents. There are many individuals who grew up in a household where they received little encouragement or affirmation, and as a result seem at a loss for direction. If you have that kind of background, you need to work extra hard to figure out what your gifts are. Take a personality profile such as DISC or Myers-Briggs. Interview positive friends and family members to see where they think you shine. Spend some time reflecting on past successes. If you're going to focus your thinking in your areas of strength, you need to know what they are.


  1. Nice! So glad to see a post like this. Recognizing, understanding and accepting our 'gift's... not thinking too highly of them or to low. Big Stuff! thanks for sharing

    1. Sorry I didn't tip my cap to you and thank You.
      Has been a bit hectic in these parts, Brother
      Djourneyman CSeeker

  2. Thank you Bryan! Glad you enjoyed it.
